Blu Room Benefits

The Blu Room brings your mind to stasis. When you experience tranquility and peace, your mind has a wellbeing that is transmitted to your body. When you consistently experience a sense of wellbeing over time, it affects the body like sunlight upon a flower in the morning. The buds start to open up.
Any issue or condition that you walk in with, will benefit from the mental rejuvenation you experience coming out of your Blu Room session. The Blu Room doesn't treat physical conditions, it supports your mind. Improvements in physical health are a side affect of the mind getting well.
Immerse yourself in the tranquility of your deeper mind in order to dilute the memories of the past issues and expedite your mental wellbeing. A healthy mind brings about a healthy body.
The Blu Room is useful for anyone (including children) who wants to step out of their daily environment. Users have reported a wide range of personal benefits, including:

Improved health and well-being
Deep relaxation
Peace of mind
Increased creativity
Greater self-awareness
Deeper sense of calm
Clear mindedness
Power nap with a Blu Room boost
There is a great deal of research on the benefits of a short nap during the day. A twenty minute nap provides significant benefit for improved alertness and performance without leaving you feeling groggy or interfering with nighttime sleep. A twenty minute Blu Room session may give you an extra boost over a regular nap. Shift your brainwaves from beta (the day-to-day reactive state) to the deeper - more creative - frequencies of alpha or theta.
The Theta State
The theta brain state is a slower rate of brainwave that occurs during deep focus or during dream sleep. The theta state can be accompanied by vivid imagery, creative thoughts, insights, and inspiration. Many Blu Room users report experiences similar to the theta state, including temporary loss of awareness of time, a sense of detachment, even mild euphoria.
Beyond polarity
In our daily waking state of consciousness, we are polarised in our thoughts and emotions, self and other, positive and negative, good and bad, morality and karma. To move in consciousness to the alpha or theta brain state provides a period of stasis, calm, peace, and even joy in the absence of polarised thought. Polarised attitudes lead to a polarised view of one's self and one's environment. When you remove the polarity, you help make room for deep relaxation, a sense of tranquility, and the opportunity for the greater mind to be present and observe a greater reality to be experienced in the body.